School Hours & Supervision
Lessons commence each day at 8:50 am and conclude at 3:00 pm. School supervision will be provided between 8:20 am and 3:00 pm for all students. For students who attend before and after-school care, supervision is provided from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm.
Office Hours
The office hours are 8:00 am to 3:30 pm. All Office operations are conducted during these hours.
Late Arrivals
Students who arrive late must report to the front office.
Early Departure
Parents must present to the front office and sign their child out if they wish to collect their child/ren before 3:00 pm.
Feeling Unwell
If students feel unwell at school, they must inform their teacher. The student will then go to the Front Office and parents will be contacted.
Change of Address/Family Circumstances
Parents are asked to promptly notify the school of any change of address, phone number, email address or place of employment.
Similarly, any change in family status, such as a separation, must be notified to the school. This is not only for administrative purposes, but also so the school can work for the pastoral welfare of the child(ren).
School Visitors
It is a legal requirement that all visitors to our school premises must sign in at the front office.